Who is behind this website?

Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Guillermo Raya, and I am a Computational Mathematics and Data Analysis undergraduate student at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, in Cerdanyola del Vallès.

I started this site back in High School, at the age of 15, and I was so proud of it -so I am not going to delete it now! All of its old contents are still online because they have some sentimental value for me -they represent the moment when I felt the spark of inspiration to pursue a science major in college. Feel free to check it all out :)

I might use this site to post some more up to date academic content, regarding the subjects I have been studying in college -but I do not know if I will have time for it. Anyhow, in case I upload anything new, you will find it here.

In case you want to check out some of my most recent work, here's my GitHub profile.